Cigar and cigarillo consumption in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been a notable trend in recent years. While the UAE is predominantly known for its strict tobacco regulations and comprehensive anti-smoking campaigns, the consumption of cigars and cigarillos has gained popularity among certain segments of the population. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, evolving into a dynamic and cosmopolitan society that embraces a diverse range of cultures and lifestyles. One striking aspect of this evolution has been the surging interest in cigar and cigarillo culture. High-end lounges, bars, and specialized retailers have sprung up across the country, catering to this niche market. The UAE's multicultural society, with expatriates from all corners of the globe, has fostered an environment where cigar aficionados can come together to appreciate the art of cigar smoking. These establishments not only offer an impressive selection of premium cigars from various regions but also provide an ambiance that exudes luxury and sophistication. The blend of Arabic hospitality and global influences has made the UAE a hub for those seeking to indulge in the pleasure of a well-crafted cigar, creating a unique fusion of tradition and modernity within this aspect of the country's social scene. As the UAE continues to grow and diversify, the fascination with cigar culture is likely to persist, cementing its place as a distinctive and thriving element of the nation's social fabric. According to the research report "United Arab Emirates (UAE) Cigars and Cigarillos Market Overview, 2028," published by Actual Research, the market is anticipated to grow with more than 2.2% CAGR from 2023-2028. In the UAE, the market for cigars and cigarillos is expanding as a result of numerous important factors. First off, customers have been able to indulge in high-end tobacco products because to the nation's strong economy and rising disposable income. There is a huge demand for cigar-related experiences due to the UAE's booming tourism economy, which is home to a wide variety of luxurious hotels and entertainment venues. The country's multicultural and diversified populace has fostered a stronger understanding of other countries' cigar traditions. Additionally, the rise of the industry has been aided by the emergence of specialty bars and shops, which have increased customers' access to and interest in cigars on a global scale. This broad pattern highlights the UAE's status as a developing center for cigar lovers.
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Download SampleThe tobacco market was divided into product categories, and the majority of the market was made up of cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars. As a testament to the enduring popularity of this classic tobacco product, cigars continue to lead these categories. Cigars continue to captivate a wide range of consumers despite their lengthy and intriguing history spanning several centuries. Their allure is multifaceted; in addition to providing high-quality tobacco for smoking, they also provide a cultural and frequently ritualistic experience. They're a terrific choice for commemorating special occasions or simply taking a moment to relax because they're frequently seen as a representation of festivity, luxury, and leisure. Despite cigars being the clear market leader, Little Cigars and Cigarillos have also managed to capture a substantial share of the market. The market is divided into two categories based on the flavor of cigars and cigarillos: flavored and tobacco flavored (tasteless). Flavored cigars and cigarillos are expected to dominate the market in the upcoming years since they are drawing in a lot of customers, particularly young ones. Cigarillos and cigars with tobacco flavors dominate the market for a number of reasons. They have a rich and centuries-old tradition that gives them strength. Because these products capture tobacco in its simplest form, they appeal to those who enjoy the clean, organic flavor of tobacco leaves. In addition to its delicious flavor, smoking has cultural and ceremonial meanings. Traditional tobacco-flavored cigars and cigarillos have gained popularity among a sizable and loyal consumer base that includes seasoned enthusiasts and connoisseurs. These people value the genuineness, artistry, and background connected to these products. The market is divided into mass and premium pricing segments based on the cost of cigars and cigarillos. For a variety of strong reasons, mass-produced cigars and cigarillos have solidified their dominance in the market. The main factors contributing to their enormous appeal are their accessibility and cost, which make them a desirable option for a wide range of customers. Concurrently, an interesting pattern is beginning to emerge, suggesting a change in customer preference toward the higher-end market. In the upcoming years, there is expected to be significant increase in the premium cigar and cigarillo sector. Specialty retailers have increased market share based on the distribution networks. Specialty shops are renowned for their knowledge and wide range of cigar offerings. To appeal to enthusiasts and connoisseurs, they frequently stock a large selection of unique and expensive brands. Specialty stores offer a distinctive cigar-buying experience, with trained staff that can make recommendations and provide direction, therefore boosting the entire enjoyment of the product. Specialty stores are more likely to carry premium cigars, which are highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts because of their dedication to quality and exclusivity. Considered in this report: •Geography: United Arab Emirates •Historic year: 2017 •Base year: 2022 •Estimated year: 2023 •Forecast year: 2028
Aspects covered in this report: •United Arab Emirates Cigars and Cigarillos market with its value and forecast along with its segments •Various drivers and challenges •On-going trends and developments •Top profiled companies •Strategic recommendation By Type: •Cigars •Cigarillos •Little Cigars By Flavor: •Tobacco/ No Flavor •Flavored
By Price Range: •Mass •Premium By Distribution Channel: •Speciality Store •Hypermarket/supermarket •Convenience Stores •Online •Others The approach of the report: This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources. Intended audience: This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Cigars and Cigarillos industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
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