The Middle East and Africa (MEA) represent a diverse and evolving landscape for the cigar and cigarillos market. While the prevalence of tobacco consumption varies across countries within the region, MEA has traditionally been a significant market for cigars and cigarillos. The consumption of these tobacco products has often been deeply ingrained in cultural traditions and social settings. Countries like Egypt, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates have shown a consistent appetite for cigars and cigarillos, where they are often associated with celebratory occasions and relaxation. However, the market dynamics in the MEA region are influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Health awareness campaigns and regulatory measures aimed at curbing tobacco usage have gained traction, potentially affecting consumption patterns. Socioeconomic disparities in the region can lead to varying degrees of affordability, impacting the demand for premium versus more affordable cigar and cigarillo options. The MEA region also faces the challenges of illicit trade and counterfeit products, which can further complicate the market's dynamics. As in many other parts of the world, younger generations in the MEA region are generally more health-conscious, potentially leading to shifts in consumption patterns away from traditional tobacco products. According to the research report "Middle East and Africa Cigars and Cigarillos Market Research Report, 2028," published by Actual Market Research, the market is anticipated to reach at more than USD 3 Billion by 2028. The increasing consumer demand for premium and artisanal tobacco products has driven a surge in the popularity of cigars and cigarillos. MEA consumers are becoming more discerning and are willing to explore the diverse range of flavors and blends offered by these products. A shift towards a more relaxed and sociable lifestyle has led to the emergence of cigar lounges and social clubs, creating a vibrant and engaging environment for cigar enthusiasts to gather, share experiences, and discover new varieties. This social aspect has fostered a sense of community among aficionados, further promoting the market. The growing middle class in MEA has increased disposable incomes, making premium cigars and cigarillos more accessible. This has encouraged greater experimentation with different brands and flavors, propelling the market's adaptability and growth. The growth in online retail platforms and e-commerce has made it easier for consumers to access a wider selection of cigar and cigarillo brands, as well as related accessories. This online presence has significantly expanded the market's reach, making it more convenient for consumers to explore and purchase these products.
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Download SampleOn the basis of geography, the market is segmented in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and South Africa. Saudi Arabia held the largest market share in the cigar and cigarillos industry within the Middle East and Africa region, followed closely by South Africa and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Saudi Arabia's dominance in this market is attributed to its affluent population, a growing interest in premium tobacco products, and a cultural appreciation for luxury and leisure. The country's stable economy and substantial expatriate population have further contributed to the demand for premium cigars and cigarillos. In South Africa, a burgeoning cigar culture, coupled with a rising middle class with a penchant for tobacco products, has driven market growth. The UAE, a regional hub for international trade and tourism, has seen its cigar and cigarillos market expand rapidly, driven by a mix of local demand and a significant influx of tourists and expatriates seeking premium tobacco experiences. These nations' strategic geographical locations and economic prosperity have allowed them to emerge as key players in the global cigar and cigarillos market, reflecting a combination of tradition, lifestyle, and economic factors shaping the industry's landscape in the Middle East and Africa. The market is segmented based on the Types, into Cigars, Cigarillos, and little cigars. In the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, the market for cigars has historically held the largest market share, often reflecting the cultural and social significance of cigar smoking in various countries within the region. Cigars have long been associated with moments of celebration, relaxation, and cultural traditions, making them a prominent choice for many consumers. This preference for cigars can also be attributed to the perception of cigars as symbols of luxury and sophistication. While cigars dominate the market, cigarillos, which are smaller and often more affordable, claim a notable share, catering to a diverse consumer base seeking a quicker and less expensive smoking option. Little cigars, though less prevalent than the former two, maintain their own niche market, appealing to those who desire a shorter smoke but with the essence of a cigar. It's essential to acknowledge that market dynamics may evolve over time, influenced by factors such as changing consumer preferences, regulations, and the impact of public health initiatives. Nonetheless, the current market distribution in MEA underscores the enduring popularity and cultural significance of cigars in the region, followed by cigarillos and little cigars to serve a range of consumer preferences. Based on the flavor type, the report is distinguished into Tobacco (No flavor) and Flavored. There has been an emerging trend towards flavored cigars and cigarillos in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region in recent years. This shift in consumer preferences can be attributed to several factors. Flavored cigars and cigarillos offer a diverse and novel range of tastes and aromas, catering to a broader spectrum of consumers, including those who may not have traditionally been cigar or cigarillo enthusiasts. These flavored options often come in a variety of enticing flavors, such as fruit, dessert, or exotic profiles, adding an element of novelty and experimentation to the smoking experience. Additionally, the perception that flavored options may be milder or less harsh than their non-flavored counterparts can be appealing to some individuals, particularly those new to cigar or cigarillo smoking. As with other regions, the emergence of flavored cigars and cigarillos has raised concerns among health advocates and regulators in MEA, leading to discussions about potential restrictions on these products to address public health issues related to tobacco use. Nevertheless, the trend toward flavored options in MEA reflects the global shift in preferences and the dynamic nature of the tobacco market, albeit with its associated debates and health-related considerations.
The market is segmented based on the Price range into Mass range and Premium range. In recent years, Middle East and Africa (MEA) consumers have displayed a notable inclination towards purchasing cigars and cigarillos from the mass market range, often motivated by affordability and accessibility. However, an intriguing and transformative shift is emerging in consumer preferences, gradually steering the market towards the premium range of these products. This shift can be attributed to changing socio-economic factors, a growing middle class, and an increasing appreciation for higher-quality, well-crafted, and artisanal offerings. MEA consumers are increasingly seeking out premium cigars and cigarillos for a more refined and exclusive smoking experience, valuing the superior craftsmanship, distinctive flavor profiles, and prestigious brands associated with these premium products. This desire for a more luxurious and opulent smoking experience, often linked to premium ranges, reflects a broader trend of evolving consumer choices, emphasizing quality, prestige, and status. As this shift unfolds, it has the potential to reshape the landscape of the MEA cigar and cigarillo market, with premium offerings gaining prominence alongside the mass market options, marking a significant transformation in consumer preferences and the market dynamics in the region. Based on the distributional channels, the market is distinguished into Specialty Store, Hypermarket/supermarket, Convenience Stores, Online, and Others. In several places, particularly MEA countries specialty shops have long dominated the market for cigars and cigarillos because they provide cigar connoisseurs with a huge selection, knowledge, and an immersive environment. Additionally, a sizeable portion has been held by supermarkets and hypermarkets, which offer convenience to customers wishing to buy these products in addition to their regular grocery shopping. On-the-go shoppers have been catered to by convenience businesses. With the exponential rise in internet sales, there has been a discernible change in recent years. Numerous brands of cigars and cigarillo have taken advantage of the possibilities of internet shopping by making their products accessible on their websites and through specialized online shops. The ability to access a wide variety of products without having to leave the comfort of one's home, changing consumer behaviors, and a need for convenience have all contributed to this trend. Due to the simplicity with which consumers can now easily research, evaluate, and buy cigars and cigarillos online, the internet channel has experienced a significant surge in sales. This has changed the distribution landscape and increased accessibility for lovers. The flexibility of the cigar industry to adapt to the changing retail environment is demonstrated by this trend, which also emphasizes the value of an online presence for businesses looking to expand their customer base. Companies Covered in this report: Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S, PT Djarum, Imperial Tobacco Group plc, The Japan Tobacco Inc., ITC Limited, Villiger Sohne AG, Philip Morris International Inc.
Considered in this report: • Geography: Middle East and Africa • Historic year: 2017 • Base year: 2022 • Estimated year: 2023 • Forecast year: 2028 Aspects covered in this report: • South America Cigars and Cigarillos market Research Report with its value and forecast along with its segments • Country-wise Cigars and Cigarillos market analysis • Various drivers and challenges • On-going trends and developments • Top profiled companies • Strategic recommendation Country covered in the report: • United Arab Emirates • Saudi Arabia • South Africa By Type: • Cigars • Cigarillos • Little Cigars By Flavour: • Tobacco/ No Flavour • Flavoured By Price Range: • Mass • Premium By Distribution Channel: • Speciality Store • Hypermarket/supermarket • Convenience Stores • Online • Others The approach of the report: This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources. Intended audience: This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organisations related to the Cigars and Cigarillos industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
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